A weekend adventure

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Outside Moskovskaya metro. Pitch black at 7:30am.

Pskov! A view of the Kremlin and surrounding fort from across the river.

Kremlin. But closer.

As is common in Russia, the inside of this church is absurd. You'll have to excuse me if I act disappointed when things aren't coated in gold back in America.

At this point I decided I'm going to need a fort when I'm older.

Imagine throwing a party here? Or just running up and down the walls enjoying the fact that you have your own fort. Yes.

And the next day in Issborsk... Souvenir stalls and old ladies selling homemade pastries. Delicious.

The crumbling old fort...

Again... IMAGINE HAVING YOUR OWN FORT. Just saying...

And this is the real Russia... This is really what we came to see. Small country houses in the foreground and fields stretching to the Pacific.

It may look like a painting but I'm standing in front of an actual landscape. Breathtaking...

And what would Issborsk be without holy water springs? Tasted better than the water in St. Petersburg... That's got more of a mercury flavour.


  1. Wow. Looks like it was a Spectacular day for an adventure!

  2. I mean, is anyone even using that old fort?
    And as for gilding in churches, remember the Puritans and Protestants came to America for freedom of religion, and to escape Popery? (Oh that's right, you studied European history in the UK!)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Твой Изборск находится рядом с Эстонией?

  5. Да, вблизи от границы! Псковское королевство понимается как начало Российского империи. Там было красиво и, надо сказать, древно.

